米沿岸でM7.3の地震 日本沿岸で多少の潮位変化も被害心配なし

The striking moments of the 7-magnitude earthquake that occurred in the US state of California were captured on camera! The strength of the earthquake once again reveals how impressive nature can be.#deprem earthquake #earthquake Tsunami #California california #Tsunami deprem pic.twitter.com/BDaNwIlMee
— Maxess (@MaxessTv) December 5, 2024
BREAKING: Evacuations underway along the coasts of California and Oregon following a tsunami warning.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 5, 2024

北カリフォルニア沿岸で強い地震が発生し、酒屋の棚から瓶が落ちる様子が映像に映っている。マグニチュード 6.2 の地震はサンフランシスコから約 210 マイル沖合で発生しました。最寄りの人口密集地であるユーレカは北に約 45 マイルのところにある
Footage shows bottles fall off liquor store shelves as a strong earthquake hit the Northern California coast.
The 6.2-magnitude quake was centered offshore about 210 miles from San Francisco. The nearest population center, Eureka, is about 45 miles north. https://t.co/zmyBPmOsQ0 pic.twitter.com/Jm5LKnUBDc
— ABC News (@ABC) December 21, 2021
Residents are currently evacuating due to the recent earthquake in California.
Traffic is so bad that food vendors have come out to feed people.. 😳 #earthquake pic.twitter.com/VW88rLNu9n
— Dubs⛧ (@onlydubsX) December 5, 2024