"These writers are often bad people who write whatever comes to their mind or fits their agenda. It has nothing to do with facts or reality. So when reading the garbage that the Fake News Media puts out, please remember this and take everything with a 'grain of salt.'" pic.twitter.com/Aire8wVxjq
Pence reportedly "leaned toward the president and pointed a finger a few inches from his chest," according to Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender. https://t.co/n3YAmQ7QiH
Donald Trump Reportedly Praised Hitler During Trip Honoring U.S. Troops, New Book Claims
Hitler "did a lot of good things," the ex-president told then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, per Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender. https://t.co/MHVM95VZQK
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙のマイケル・ベンダー記者の「『Frankly, We Did Win This Election』」の一節によると、当時の大統領はホワイトハウスの首席補佐官であるジョン・ケリー氏に「まあ、ヒトラーはたくさんの良いことをしたよ」と語ったという。The Inside Story of How Trump Lost(トランプ大統領の敗北の真相)」に掲載されています。