🔥🚨BREAKING: President Obama is asking you to donate to the Obama foundation and other organizations that are assisting the victims of the Maui Hawaii fires. pic.twitter.com/Ytd8n6xkla
— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) August 17, 2023


興味深い。オバマ財団は、マウイ火災の支援のために寄付する場所のリストを提供している。その中には「New Life Kahuka」も含まれています。牧師のスペンサー・コルバーンが関与しており、彼は不動産開発業者でもあり、最近復旧事業を開始している。
Interesting. Obama Foundation has a list of places to donate to for the Maui Fire. New Life Kahuka is one of them. Pastor is Spencer Colburn. He's also a real estate developer who just opened a restoration biz: pic.twitter.com/AALF13WVss
— Pam D (@soirchick) August 16, 2023

Your Blackrock friends are going to carve up that native land to hand out to Mark Zuckerberg and other colonists and oligarchs. Like yourself. You probably already have your new place mapped out.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 15, 2023
New “Epstein Island”?
— FOSTER, BSN, RN (@mdfoster43) August 15, 2023
I hope you’ll join me now in our plan to rob the people of Lāhainā of their land for my billionaire mates.
— Nigel Bartholomew Hogwallop LGB ✂️ TQ (@BythewayNigel) August 15, 2023
Meanwhile 200 million dollar military package to Ukraine was approved
— Myron Thee OG (@myron_mhindi) August 16, 2023
I can guarantee you the money he’s trying to raise is NOT going to the people of Hawaii. Find another fundraiser if you want to donate. This guys is a fraud.
— AG 🔥 (@Yolo304741) August 15, 2023
I have a feeling this is just like Hillary and Haiti.
I giant opportunity for money laundering and no resources for Hawaii.
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) August 15, 2023
最高の大統領、ドナルド・J・トランプは、ホワイトハウスを占拠する不法占拠者(バイデン)よりも先にアメリカに語りかけた。ハワイで育った者として、あなたは遅れている。 トランプがやったからあなたがやっているのは明らかだ。あなたもジョー・バイデンも何も言わなかった。
The best President, Donald J Trump spoke out to America before the squatter occupying the White House. As someone who grew up in Hawaii you are late. It’s obvious you are doing it because Trump did. Both you and Joe Biden said nothing.
— Joyreaper (@joyreaper) August 15, 2023
How much have you given?
— SheepDog Society LLC (@QPsyOps) August 15, 2023

Pass! I’ve got the GoFundMe info for a couple of people and know it’s going directly to them.
— Mrs Doubtpfizer 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 (@NadyaByznezz) August 15, 2023
How’d Oprah’s house go untouched when everything around her is scorched earth
— Robert Floyd (@robertfloyd23) August 15, 2023
バイデン政権がウクライナに数十億ドルの追加拠出を要請したのは、そのためか? あなたの息子に電話してみたらどうだ?
Is that why the Biden Administration just requested for additional billions of dollars to go to Ukraine?
May wanna call your boy..— 🇺🇸Kirk🇺🇸 (@Kirk_925) August 15, 2023
Obama is a criminal.
— MatthewJshow (@MatthewJshow) August 15, 2023
The Red Cross is corrupt and most of the money goes to their paid staff and executives. I’m not shocked that you’re encouraging people to donate to a corrupt organization.
— John 🌵🇺🇸 (@johninphx) August 15, 2023
@RedCross is the last corrupt organization I would ever donate too. 1% of the raised donations does nothing for the people.
How much are they paying you for this tweet?
Do you already have you plot of land in #Lahaina for your 5th home?
— Zade Smith (@ZadeSmith4) August 15, 2023

It will take all of us coming together and doing what we can to help those in need in Maui and Lāhainā right now. I hope you’ll join me in donating to the Hawai'i Red Cross today: https://t.co/CPtVJ8fGSq pic.twitter.com/yvIDCG15MP
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 15, 2023