インドネシアでM7.3 津波警報が発令
インドネシア付近震源 M7.6の地震 日本への津波の影響なし #nhk_news https://t.co/mnTeFi2JkS
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) December 14, 2021
WATCH: Indonesians flee their homes and spotted watching waves after 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes off coast Indonesia, tsunami warning issued. pic.twitter.com/TmpH81RM7V
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 14, 2021
Praying for the well being of every one living in #Indonesia and affected areas.🙏
It's a natural tragedy and we Indians stand by #Indonesian ppl in this hour of crisis.#EarthquakePH #Earthquake #tsunami pic.twitter.com/gnzdX6mioz— Gagan Deep (@GaganDeepSi1988) December 14, 2021
7.3 magnitude earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia
インドネシアのフローレス島でマグニチュード7.3の地震が発生し、津波警報が地域全体発令された。 住民は非難中です- BNO News
❗BREAKING: 2 hours ago an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred in the Indonesian sea of Flores causing a tsunami alert to spread throughout the area
Evacuation in the cities of the island of Flores is underway 🇮🇩
– BNO News pic.twitter.com/FSSHACqdMY
— Francesco Comito (@FrancescComito) December 14, 2021