Before leaving her apartment in Kiev she plays the piano for the last time.. pic.twitter.com/i1AmkGhKZX
— Lord Ashcroft (@LordAshcroft) March 13, 2022
A girl played her family's piano in Kharkiv, Ukraine, as they prepared to evacuate their home amid Russian attacks.
The girl said her family crossed the border and were in a safe place. https://t.co/t8w7CYF10V pic.twitter.com/Kx5xZuIoyI
— ABC News (@ABC) March 11, 2022
ポーランドとウクライナの国境に座って、ピアノを使ってビートルズの曲(Let it be)を演奏している男性です。
This man is sat at the Polish-Ukranian border playing Beatles tunes using the piano.
Absolutely INCREDIBLE! Music to the ears!#UkraineWar #Russia #Russian #kyiv #Zelensky #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/oYFEPLwTrf
— Dave Techz (@techz_dave) March 13, 2022
最前線でのピアノ演奏。ピアニストが再びベースキャンプの門にやってきて演奏。ここには戦争と火薬と難民がいる。 そして、NFSCのレスキュー隊がここで活動しています。音楽が人々の心を癒し、そして
【Ukraine Rescue】03/12/2022 In Medyka, Poland. Piano Music on the Front Line. The pianist came to the gate of our base camp again to performance. There are war, gunpowder and refugees here. And the rescue team of NFSC is working here. The music helps soothe people's hearts and pic.twitter.com/VvfYvsOp1p
— NFSC 王一天-GETTR(扬帆) (@wangyitian011) March 14, 2022