イーロン・マスク氏から、返事をもらいました!! pic.twitter.com/S9SuFpiAu0
— トータルニュースワールド (@TotalWorld1) November 23, 2022
What do you mean?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 22, 2022
Leftists use NETOUYO BAN festival tags seasonally to convene mass reports and freeze conservatives. Anti-JP accounts never get frozen even w/ hate tweets that JP need more Abombs, and if Pro-JP accounts protest, TwitterJP freezes them. #ネトウヨ秋のBAN祭りhttps://t.co/pmfJhjL3NP
— こたママ kotamama (@kotamama318) November 22, 2022
橋本琴絵氏「Twitter Japanは日本の民族衣装である着物の写真を強制的に閲覧制限し、センシティブ画像とする。現在も行われています。人種差別が横行しています。私たち日本人を助けてください」
Twitter Japan forcibly restricts viewing of photos of kimono, the Japanese national costume, and makes them sensitive images. It is still being done.
Racial discrimination is rampant. Please help us Japanese. pic.twitter.com/1OxMF4kpX5— 橋本琴絵 (@HashimotoKotoe) November 22, 2022
For instance, posting an image, by Anti-Japan group it is judged ‘no problem’ even if we report ‘violation’, on the other hand, by Japanese judged arbitrarily as ‘violation’.
We hope this problem dissolves as soon as possible.— 山ちゃん (@Ugp32) November 22, 2022
What he means is that Twitter is the main social media in Japan
software, but the Japanese Twitter team interfered with freedom of speech and censored speech.— Taiwanese support President Trump (@Taiwan171717) November 22, 2022
Twitter Japanでは、中国人による明らかなTwitterのルール違反や日本人に対する悪質な嫌がらせは問題にしていませんが、違反ではないツイートで日本人のアカウントをロックしているケースが多くあります。私たちは公平なTwitterを望んでいます。
Twitter Japan has no problem with obvious violations of Twitter rules by Chinese people and malicious harassment of Japanese people, but in many cases we have locked accounts for Japanese people for tweets that are not violations.
We want a fair Twitter.https://t.co/dbm83fOXP1
— テリマカシ 。。 (@terimakasih0001) November 22, 2022
Twitter Japanで、レイシストたちが集団で気に入らない人を通報し、凍結させるということが行われています。ひどいのは、こうしたレイシストはなかなか凍結されないのに、ヘイトスピーチをしていないアカウントは制限されていることです。この状況を改善してください。
On Twitter Japan, racists are grouping together to report people they don’t like and freeze them. What is terrible is that these racists are not easily frozen, but accounts that have not made hate speech are restricted. Please improve this situation.
— isklove2ver. (@K9R2A3M84D75ED5) November 22, 2022
Until now, Twitter has neglected lies and hate against Japan.
Japanese people who accuse lies against Japan are locked, but tweets that try to spread lies against Japan continue to exist.Could you please investigate?
— 🍠🌰🎌kcs 🎌🌰🍠 (@k68960189) November 23, 2022
Let me say simply – TwitterJP isn’t fair.
TwitterJP always been kind to the left and they leave accounts that insults Japan.
On the other hand, TwitterJP excludes the patriots and freezes their accounts immediately.
Unfair 😩 pic.twitter.com/I1hB3GhDof
— えとせとら🇯🇵🇺🇸🇦🇺🇮🇳 (@etc_tokyo) November 22, 2022
In Japan, as in the U.S., conservatives tend to have their accounts suspended, while leftists are not. What the Japanese want is fairness, impartiality.I am Japanese.
— トータルニュースワールド (@TotalWorld1) November 23, 2022