Mentally ill and disturbed man walking by young white man in San Francisco. This man needs treatment and help. All the money to homeless programs but no one benefits. pic.twitter.com/wolYZGZkPR
— Asian Crime Report (@activeasian) July 12, 2022
夕方の散歩で。SOMA(サウス オブ マーケット:無数の倉庫が並ぶ広大な地区)は安全じゃない。今起きたばかりだ。これは嫌な感じ
On my evening walk. SOMA isn’t safe. Just happened. This is disgusting @MattHaneySF. I’ve written to your office and you and failed to take action. Why??? Is it worth your time? pic.twitter.com/cLwAtb4ZGU
— J. (@jterrell) September 9, 2022
When @ShellenbergerMD and @lwoodhouse documentary comes out, it's going to shock a lot of people as to how bad things are in San Francisco. This clip alone tells a lot.pic.twitter.com/tcIRHmSBAA
— Adam B. Coleman, President of Aintblackistan (@wrong_speak) September 9, 2022
7 second video took on San Francisco BART train this morning.
It’s a naked guy pretending to take a shower. It's PG rated
Glad to see a struggling city is getting back to being normal again. pic.twitter.com/H4mUSTo8ov
— Jim Bianco biancoresearch.eth (@biancoresearch) September 9, 2022
People say lack of housing forces local residents into the streets, but James says he came from Texas to San Francisco for the drugs, the non-enforcement of anti-camping laws, and the $820/month in welfare & food stamps. James says he sold fentanyl, 2 weeks ago, to a 15-year-old. pic.twitter.com/5qMr6tmlWs
— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) February 9, 2022